2 dead dogs near the airport – victims of illegal dog fighting

Reference number (ID):

I often go for walks in the public area of South Airport. On 15.01.2023 I found 2 dead dogs wrapped in black plastic bags. One of the dogs was definitely an XL Pit Bull. Unfortunately, I could not define the breed of the second dog. I suspect that the two dogs were victims of illegal dog fighting.


I then immediately informed the police. First I called the Guardia Civil in Granadilla de Abona. They referred me to SEPRONA in Las Americas. When no one at SEPRONA answered my call, I dialed 112 and reported the find. The lady at the emergency call center told me that the relevant police authority would be informed. I told the lady at the emergency call center that I would wait for the officers because it would be difficult to find without coordinates. The lady confirmed this.


After 2 hours of waiting, without seeing even a hint of an officer, I then decided to leave, hoping that the officers would find the animals and recover them respectfully and properly.

Update – September 19, 2024 / 07:49 am (Silvan L.) – New evidence images

Debris and garbage have now been placed over the carcasses of the dead dogs. Thus, the cover-up is complete and none of the informed authorities has prevented or cleaned it up! Of course, it is not possible to say whether the perpetrator, the police themselves or the informed community placed the debris over it. But the inaction of the police and the municipality made the cover-up possible in the first place and proves the hypocritical interest in animal welfare on the part of the authorities – the main thing is that the EU funds continue to flow!

Update – April 22, 2024 / 09:27 am (Silvan L.) – New evidence images

The employee of the municipality of Granadilla de Abona probably had no interest in the proper disposal of the dogs’ remains. They continue to lie there and modernize and other animals are therefore exposed to the risk of getting sick or, in the worst case, dying from the lime or the remains.

Update – April 18, 2024 / 08:11 am (Silvan L.) – New evidence images

The dead dogs are almost completely decomposed, but today employees from the municipality of Granadilla de Abona and about 12 people (private individuals, probably those who have to do social service) were on site. I pointed out the dead dog carcasses to the municipal employee and asked him to dispose of them. I will visit again in the following days to see if the municipal employee has taken my request and, in fact, his duty seriously.

Update – February 01, 2024 / 11:03 am (Silvan L.) – New evidence images

On my walk today, I noticed that someone (probably the police) had obviously scattered lime over the dead dogs. If it was indeed the police, it is appalling and simply irresponsible that the dead dogs were not properly recovered and disposed of (animal incinerator).

Reference number: V-L4D-1001

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