Our FAQs answer the most important questions

Here you will find the most frequently asked questions about our organization. On this page you will find all relevant information about the FREE services or how you can support us directly.

How can you support us

Actively help:

You can help us, and therefore everyone else, by reporting incidents, sharing adoption ads or missing persons reports, on social networks or to friends and acquaintances. Everything you do will ultimately benefit a loving four-legged friend!

Submit message:

You can call us or send us a WhatsApp if you need help with dogs.


You find a stray that needs help. All we need is the location of the dog and we will take care of it and place it in an animal shelter.

You find a seriously injured dog that needs immediate medical attention. We come immediately and take care of the dog.

We always clarify in advance whether a call-out is actually necessary. For example, if it's the neighbor's dog that's always peeing in your front garden and you want to teach the neighbor a lesson, then of course we won't come. We do everything on a voluntary basis and therefore our time should be requested very carefully. We rely on common sense!

Who can use the free animal management system?

The animal management system is designed for animal shelters and animal protection organizations on the Canary Islands. Many institutions have no digital way or only a very cumbersome method of keeping track of the animals. In particular, for medical treatments or the history of the animal.

What is the benefit of reporting an incident

The benefit is that we make the case public, keep a record, collect evidence and follow up on the case. Whenever we can, we will try to bring those responsible to justice.

Furthermore, it has the benefit that all persons can view the case publicly and, if necessary, further evidence or information can be collected. These files also serve as evidence for possible charges that we make as an NGO.

What happens to my personal data

Adoption advertisements:

Your personal data will only be used here so that interested parties or we can contact you correctly.

Missing dog reports:

Even in this case, your personal data will only be used so that interested parties or we can contact you correctly.

Report incident:

You have the option of reporting an incident anonymously, with the exception of the e-mail address. We need a contact option to communicate with you regarding the incident. Regardless of whether you submit the incident to us anonymously or with contact details, we will not pass on your data to third parties under any circumstances. Likewise, if the police wish to have reporting details, we will only do so upon presentation of a court order.